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Unicondylar [Partial] Knee Replacement:

With a unicondylar partial knee replacement surgery, only one defective component of the knee is replaced. It can substitute the medial (inside) or lateral (outside) or kneecap portion of the knee. Most commonly it is the medial or the inner side of the joint that is worn out.

Osteoarthritis-damaged bone and cartilage are rebuilt with metallic and plastic elements during knee replacement surgery. Only a section of the knee is reconstructed with a partial knee replacement. For individuals whose illness is restricted to just a region of the knee, this technique is an option for total knee replacement.

Partial Knee Replacement Surgery is performed through a smaller incision, patients usually spend little or no time in the hospital and return to normal activities sooner than total knee replacement patients. Visit Kapadia Multispeciality Hospital to learn in detail about the procedure.

Advantages of Partial Knee Replacement:

  • Quicker recovery
  • Less pain after surgery
  • Less blood loss
  • Reduced complications of blood clots and infections

Disadvantages of Partial Knee Replacement:

The need for additional surgery is slightly higher for Partial Knee Replacement Surgery than for total knee replacement when arthritis develops in the parts of the knee that have not been replaced. Thus there is a chance that partial knee replacement patients in future may have to be converted into total knee replacement.

Indications for Surgery:

Predominantly indicated in the destruction of unilateral joint cartilage either from

  • Unicompartmental Osteoarthritis
  • Posttraumatic Degenerative Joint Disease
  • Osteonecrosis / Joint collapse with cartilage destruction.

Also, the functional integrity of the anterior cruciate ligament and peripheral ligaments of the knee as well as the absence of an inflammatory arthropathy is necessary.

Partial knee replacement implantation for anteromedial requires medial bone-on-bone arthritis, a functionally normal ACL, a functionally normal medial collateral ligament, intact full-thickness lateral cartilage and a patellofemoral joint with no lateral grooving and bone loss.

Diagnosis and Evaluation:

A consultation with an orthopaedic surgeon includes the following elements:

  • Medical history: Our orthopaedic surgeon will gather information about your general health and ask you about the extent of your knee pain and your ability to function.
  • A Physical Exam: This will test leg posture, balance, endurance, and knee mobility.
  • X-rays: These pictures aid in determining the degree of injury and abnormalities in your knee.
  • Other Exams: In some cases, blood tests or sophisticated imaging, like an MRI scan, may be required to assess the health of your knee's soft bones and tissues.

Risks Included in Surgery:

Although rare, the most common risks include:

  • Blood Clots: Leg vein thrombosis is a frequent issue following knee replacement surgery. After surgery, blood clots might develop in the deeper leg veins. Blood thinners could be recommended by your doctor, based on your requirements.
  • Infection: After surgery, an infection could develop deeper inside the wound or in the epidermis above it. After your procedure, infections might develop weeks to years later. Before your treatment, you will be prescribed medication, and these are frequently maintained for about 24 hours after surgery to prevent diseases.
  • Damage to Nerves or Vessels: Even though it seldom happens, the treatment could harm or strain capillaries or nerves.
  • Pain
  • Risks of Anaesthesia
  • Need for Additional Surgery


Hospital Discharge:

Partial knee replacement patients usually experience less postoperative pain and swelling, and hence faster recovery. In rare cases, patients additional guidance from specialists after the operation.

Pain Management:

After surgery, mild pain is expected and medicine will be given by our doctors.

Weight Bearing:

Physiotherapy will be given post-surgery. After surgery, you can place strain on your knee right away. You may need assistance for the first several days or weeks until you become comfortable enough to walk independently.

Rehabilitation Exercise:

The physiotherapist will give you exercises to help maintain your range of motion and restore your strength.

Doctor Visits:

Follow-up visits will be advised by our doctors at Kapadia Multispeciality Hospital at regular intervals.

To know more kindly contact the best orthopaedic surgeon Dr. Rahul Modi for further queries.
This surgery is frequently performed by the best orthopaedic surgeon Dr. Rahul Modi for treating Unicondylar EDT.