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Reverse shoulder replacement surgery: Restoring Mobility with a Twist

Shoulder pain and limited mobility can put a damper on everyday life. When traditional treatments no longer work, reverse shoulder replacement surgery in mumbai might be the answer. This innovative procedure can provide relief for certain shoulder conditions. Let's take a closer look at when this surgery is needed, what happens during the procedure, potential complications, and what recovery entails. The ideal age to undergo a reverse shoulder replacement surgery is more than 65-70 years of age. This surgery is frequently performed by the best orthopaedic surgeon Dr. Rahul Modi for treating shoulder arthritis.

When is Reverse shoulder replacement surgery Needed?

Reverse shoulder replacement surgery in mumbai is typically recommended for people with severe shoulder joint damage, especially when rotator cuff muscles are weak or torn. This surgery is a great option for those with complex conditions like rotator cuff tear arthropathy, shoulder arthritis, comminuted 4-5 part fractures of the proximal humerus which might fail open reduction and internal fixation with or without fractures of the glenoid. Traditional shoulder replacement might not work in these cases because the muscles are too weak to support the joint. The normal complains of someone suffering from shoulder arthritis is pain, difficulty in overhead moevements, difficulty in changing clothes and tying their hair.

The Procedure

During reverse shoulder replacement surgery, the positions of the ball and socket in the shoulder joint are switched. The ball is attached to the shoulder blade, while the socket is fixed to the upper arm bone. This change in positioning allows different muscles to take over the role of moving the arm, compensating for the weakened or damaged rotator cuff muscles. The moment arm of the deltoid is changed and thereby relying on deltoid to do the movements of the shoulder joint. The prerequisite for a reverse shoulder replacement surgery is a functioning deltoid muscle and axillary nerve.

The surgery is usually done under general anesthesia. The damaged parts of the joint are removed, and the artificial components are carefully placed. Just like the knee replacement the artificial joint is made up of an alloy of cobalt-chromium or titanium and ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene. The life of the shoulder joint is about 15-20 years.

Possible Complications

Like any surgery, reverse shoulder replacement comes with potential risks. These could include infection, bleeding, nerve damage, or problems with the artificial joint components. It's crucial to discuss these risks with your surgeon beforehand to make an informed decision about the procedure.

Post-operative Recovery

After the surgery, patients typically spend a short time in the hospital to monitor their initial recovery. A sling is used to support the arm and protect the joint as it heals. Physical therapy plays a vital role in regaining strength, mobility, and function. Following the recommended exercises and rehabilitation plan is essential for a successful recovery.

Most patients can start using their arm for light activities within a few weeks, but full recovery might take several months. It's important to avoid heavy lifting or strenuous activities during the initial stages of recovery to allow the shoulder to heal properly.

In Conclusion

Reverse shoulder replacement surgery can be a game-changer for those with severe shoulder joint damage and weakened rotator cuff muscles. By reversing the positions of the ball and socket, this procedure enables different muscles to take on the role of shoulder movement. While complications are possible, with proper care and adherence to the rehabilitation plan, patients can often regain a good range of motion and enjoy reduced pain.

If you're experiencing severe shoulder pain or limited mobility, consult an orthopedic surgeon specializing in shoulder procedures. They can assess your condition, discuss treatment options, and help you decide whether reverse shoulder replacement surgery in mumbai is the right path to restore your shoulder's functionality and improve your quality of life.

To know more kindly contact the best orthopaedic surgeon Dr. Rahul Modi for further queries.

To know more kindly contact the best orthopaedic surgeon Dr. Rahul Modi for further queries.
This surgery is frequently performed by the best orthopaedic surgeon Dr. Rahul Modi for treating Reverse Shoulder Replacement.