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Total Knee Replacement

Total knee arthroplasty is another name for Total Knee Replacement Surgery in Mumbai. In very ill knee joints, it can aid in reducing agony and regaining movement. Your thighbone, shinbone, and kneecap are taken away during the treatment, and the injured bone and cartilage are replaced with a mechanical joint (prosthesis) comprised of metallic materials, premium plastics, and polymers.

We at Kapadia Multispeciality Hospital have the best total knee replacement surgeons operating and giving the best results. From improved mobility and independence to increased confidence and a heightened quality of life, Total Knee Replacement Surgery in Mumbai is a life-changing factor. You're finally free from pain and stiffness—you can now do the things you love to do, from hiking to dancing. With a new knee joint, you'll have the freedom to enjoy life in ways that were once unimaginable. A new knee means better sleep, improved mobility, and a happier outlook every day. You deserve this chance at happiness.


Predominantly indicated in the destruction of joint cartilage either from

  • Osteoarthritis
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis / Inflammatory Arthritis
  • Posttraumatic Degenerative Joint Disease
  • Osteonecrosis / Joint collapse with cartilage destruction

Total Knee Replacement Surgery in Mumbai has been performed successfully at all ages by our best total knee replacement surgeons, from young teenagers with juvenile arthritis to elderly patients with degenerative arthritis. But the majority of total knee replacement surgeries are carried out for elderly patients above 55-60 years of age.

Symptoms Indicating TKR:

  • Severe knee discomfort or rigidity that makes it difficult to stand, climb a ladder, or get in and out of vehicles. It could be challenging to walk more than a few yards without experiencing substantial discomfort, necessitating the use of a walking stick or crutch.
  • Mild to severe knee discomfort while sleeping or otherwise resting.
  • Chronic knee pain, edema, and aggravation that don't go away with time off or medicine.
  • Knee malformation, which is a knee bending either inside or outside.
  • The inability to drastically increase with additional therapies including painkillers, cortisone infusions, lubricating infusions, physiotherapy, or other operations.

Diagnosis and Evaluation:

The total knee replacement surgeons at Kapadia Multispeciality Hospital will look into the following matter:

  • Medical History: Our best total knee replacement surgeons will gather information about your general health and ask you about the extent of your knee pain and your ability to function
  • A Physical Exam: this will assess knee motion, stability, strength, and overall leg alignment.
  • X-rays: These pictures can be used to assess the severity of the injury and the deformities in your knee.
  • Other Exams: occasionally blood tests or advanced imaging, such as an MRI scan, may be needed to determine the condition of the bone and soft tissues of your knee.

Advantages of Knee Replacement:

Total Knee Replacement Surgery in Mumbai has two primary advantages:

It can improve your movement and alleviate the discomfort you experience from arthritis. Many patients report significant enhancement one year following surgery in a variety of areas, such as:

  • Movement
  • Pain Intensity
  • Social Interaction
  • Rigid Joints
  • Agility

Disadvantages of Knee Replacement:

Among the concerns of knee surgery are:

  • Blood clots, which can form after each and every type of surgery in the veins of the legs – although blood thinners are routinely given to every patient to reduce this risk.
  • Infection at the operative site; nevertheless, to reduce or eliminate the risk, most patients get antibiotics both prior to and following surgery. Also we at Kapadia Multispeciality Hospital have an operation theatre with LAMINAR FLOW which gives air quality with less than 0.01 % contamination and Mumbai’s FIRST GLASS OPERATION THEATRE which significantly reduces the risk of infection.
  • Osteolysis or Foreign body reaction, an infection and bone-destroying condition brought on by microscopic plastic fragments from a replacement knee.
  • Periodic agony lightening or persistent discomfort after the procedure.
  • Stiffness brought on by the scar tissue that develops following surgery on the knee.

Rehabilitation after total knee replacement surgery

Rehabilitation forms a very important part of the recovery after Total Knee Replacement Surgery in Mumbai. You are made to walk usually on the very first day after surgery and basic in-bed physiotherapy exercises are started on the very day of surgery itself. Rehabilitation consists of walking with support initially to walking independently followed by climbing the staircase up and down. Usually, we instruct our patients not to do ground-level activities like sitting on the floor, sitting cross-legged, or doing a full squat which is usually required for using the Indian-style floor washrooms. At 6 months post-surgery a patient should be almost pain-free and be able to do daily activities like walking and climbing up and down stairs.

To do single leg knee replacement or both at the same time?

Usually, the osteoarthritis of the knee, which is the most common indication for knee replacement surgery is bilateral. The question often arises whether we need to do one knee replacement at a time or can both knees be replaced together in one sitting.

Ideally, if both knees are painful equally, both knee replacements can be done in the same sitting. There are many advantages of replacing both knees in the same sitting.

  • Hospitalization is only required once.
  • Physiotherapy rehab needs to be done only once.
  • Significant cost saving.
  • Patient has to bear the surgical pain only once.
  • Good pain relief in both knees helping the patient to walk better.
  • Post-operative medications need to be given once only.

However, there are certain conditions in which both knee replacements cannot be done in a single sitting. These are:

  • Patient has pain in one knee only although x-ray may show bilateral involvement, if a patient has no pain in the other knee, we would usually replace only the painful knee.
  • Patient not medically fit to undergo long anaesthesia time and long surgery hours.

To know more kindly contact the best orthopaedic surgeon Dr. Rahul Modi for further queries.
This surgery is frequently performed by the best orthopaedic surgeon Dr. Rahul Modi for treating Total Knee Replacement EDT.